Project: A Community Bank, here for you.
Goals: Capitalize on recent M&A that left very few community banks in our markets, position Traditions Bank as the trusted community bank in our region, and deliver a pipeline of prospects to the sales team.
Project: Personalized Video Greeting Card
Goals: Identify high-value prospects, convert them to leads, then customers.
Pictured above is the showpiece and driver of the campaign. The personalized video greeting card personifies the experience of banking with Traditions. Our customers are greeted by name, their individual needs are addressed, and they are treated with a personal experience that isn't be matched by larger banks, beginning at the very first touchpoint. This tactic relies on validation from our customer testimonial initiative. 
All activities were logged and tracked in CRM. In the first 2-months, we opened 6 DDA Accounts worth $685,000 and have $1.6MM in the pipeline. 
Project: Customer Spotlight (testimonial) Videos
Goals: Utilize and promote customer testimonial videos to validate our brand promise and value proposition. 
Pictured above is the landing page for customer spotlight videos, along with a home page hero graphic and social media posts promoting the video content. 
Project (above): Lead Warming Postcard 
Goals: Introduce Traditions Bank to targeted prospects.
Step 1 of targeting: Postcard to warm the lead
Step 2: personal phone call
Step 3: Hand deliver video card
Step 4: Follow-up and schedule appointment
     *All activities logged and tracked in CRM
Project: Digital Markting
Goals: 1. GeoFence competitor branches with recent disruption ie: closure, M&A. 2. Geotarget with display advertising in York, Lancaster, and Hanover. 3. Drive traffic to Traditions Bank website. 4. Drive brand awareness through streaming media.

Conversion tracking is phase 2 of the campaign. See below for the micro website strategy to improve ROI tracking. 
Landing Page
Landing Page
Personal Banking
Personal Banking
Commercial Banking
Commercial Banking

The vision: Effective technology development starts with a clear vision and flow map.

Project (above): Micro Website (click here to view)
Goals: 1. Increase conversions by giving customers a simplified experience of researching our products and services. 2. Deliver clearly defined calls to action. 3. Increase ROI measurement by adding a tracking pixel and providing three user journeys (one per business line).
Project: (above): Campaign with CBS 21, including digital advertising, homepage takeover, and facebook live interview (click to view).
Goals: Capitalize on financial education awareness month, drive traffic to website, and reinforce the community bank here for you messaging.
Project: (Above): Radio Advertising
Goals: 1. Use customer testimonials to reinforce the community bank message. 2. Drive awareness of the brand. 3. Articulate our value proposition
Project: (Above): Billboards strategically located near acquired competitors
Goals: 1. Brand awareness. 2. Promote local decision-making as a competitive advantage.
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