“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” 
- Norman Schwarzkopf

Make no mistake, strategic thinking is imperative, but what matters most are the people and the relationships we forge. Who we do business with, who we hire, who we choose to work for, and who we choose to befriend. We align ourselves, both personally and professionally, with people who share our values and ideals. My success is attributable to surrounding myself with the right people, then nurturing and empowering them to succeed. I share these values in both my personal and professional life. I've chosen to share snapshots of my personal life that represent my character and ideals.
I am a family Man above all else. Nothing is more important and precious than the strong bond I have with my wife, two children, and grandchildren. 
Married to my high school sweetheart since 1995
Married to my high school sweetheart since 1995
My little jam buddy (granddaughter)
My little jam buddy (granddaughter)
My older jam buddy (son)
My older jam buddy (son)
Daddy-daughter wedding dance
Daddy-daughter wedding dance
My son, grandson, wife, granddaughter, daughter, and son-in-law
My son, grandson, wife, granddaughter, daughter, and son-in-law
Someone had to play Santa during COVID
Someone had to play Santa during COVID
I believe in giving back. For the past 10 years, I've participated in Community Service Day, restoring houses for people in need in Dallas, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Nashville, and Orlando. I serve on the committee, donate the PPE, and lead the recruiting effort for my company. I am willing to get my hands dirty to get things done.
My wife and I volunteering at Community Service Day
My wife and I volunteering at Community Service Day
Article from Roofing Contractor Magazine
Article from Roofing Contractor Magazine
I am a team player. I played the ultimate team sport well into my forties. I've learned that the team with the fastest and most skilled players doesn't always win. It's more important for every player at every position to perform the duties of their position and support one another when things break down, that's how TEAMS succeed. There are many different skill sets in the sport of hockey, some people are fast skaters, some have the scoring touch, while others are defensive-minded, yet all players have a valuable role. The key to winning is understanding people's strengths and putting them in situations that facilitate individual and team success.
I am an artist. I thrive on creativity, which is why I was drawn to marketing as a designer, then as a strategist. I love taking a vision and bringing it to life, whether the instrument is a paintbrush or a guitar. Both skills require discipline, patience, and a willingness to grow from failures as a vital part of the learning process. Much like playing on a hockey team, playing with a band is a team activity. When it comes together, the "whole" is always greater than the "sum of the parts." It is a euphoric experience when all the individual practice pays dividends and morphs into one harmonious composition. 
“Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.”
- Heraclitus
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